Welcome To Weight Loss Hypnosis - The Truth and the Lies

Hi, Welcome to my hypnosis weight loss blog. I want to thank you for stepping inside to find out what it is all about. I am just getting started in the blogging world, but I plan to add A Ton more material to this site in weeks and months to come. So please bookmark me and come back soon. If you desire to achieve lasting weight loss results, then I am pleased to offer my advice and tips on the way.

I am working on a New Website for Neuro Linguistic Programming

Hello everyone,

Just a quick note to let you all know that I am building a new website that will discuss Neuro Linguistic programming techniques. Please stop in if you are interested in learning NLP.

Does Hypnosis for Weight Loss Work?

Yes, hypnosis for weight loss does work…sometimes, for some people. The answer is not as straight forward as you might think. Give me a minute and I will explain to you what you need to know about hypnosis for weight loss and better answer the question does hypnosis for weight loss work?

Hypnosis for weight loss has the potential to work for everyone. I say potential because it depends on two main factors. These factors are the person wanting to lose weight and the hypnotist. Recorded hypnosis sessions work great for around 7 out of 10 people where as one-on-one hypnosis may be effective in 9 or 10 out of 10.

The reason pre-recorded weight loss hypnosis is not as effective is simply because you are taking flexibility away from the hypnotist. A lot of hypnosis is about the hypnotist confirming certain things to the ‘client’ that are happening on a unconscious level. For example a skilled hypnotist may say something like “and as you take a deep breath…That’s right”. He times the statement “that’s right” when he sees the patient take a deep breath. This is part of a technique called utilization, which was made famous by the great hypnotist Dr. Milton Erickson. This was an over simplified example, but it takes some skill and keen awareness on the part of the hypnotist to use the utilization technique effectively. Affirming subconscious cues in body language, breathing, heart rate, temperature, and other minimal cues helps establish a deeper trance for the client in hypnosis.

So, does hypnosis for weight loss work? Yes, it does. One-on-one hypnotherapy has an advantage as the hypnotist is able to customize the session to his client. However, don’t count recorded sessions out. A good hypnotist that has had tons and tons of sessions can get a pretty good feel for leading a weight loss session. Therefore, some of the recorded hypnosis weight loss sessions can be quite effective on a large percentage of the population. They even have a couple of benefits.

They are quite a bit cheaper than face-to-face hypnotherapy and you can listen to them over and over and over again. You can even share them with your friends.

Weight loss hypnosis books. What can you expect?

Weight loss hypnosis books would rank third when compared to hypnosis audio programs and face-to-face therapy. If you expect to read a book and be cured of your obesity without doing anything else, then I think you will be disappointed with a weight loss hypnosis book. If however, you understand that such a book can teach you valuable techniques that you can use on yourself at home, then a weight loss hypnosis book is something that could have valuable information.

Weight loss hypnosis books are at a disadvantage to audio weight loss sessions and face-to-face sessions only in flexibility. While it is possible for reading to have a hypnotic effect, it is harder to hypnotize people through print. The reason is simple, there is no human to human interaction. You can’t hear the other persons’ tone of voice, you can’t witness changes in breathing rate and rhythm. Your only means of output and reception are words on a page. This doesn’t mean that weight loss hypnosis books are worthless. In fact… they could be a source of life changing information.

You just have to understand that when choosing a weight loss hypnosis book or e-book you are really choosing to do the hypnosis yourself. If the book is good, it should focus on teaching you the basics of Self-Hypnosis. It should include information on relaxation, breathing, and give you a wide range of self visualization exercises. A book that will really help you lose weight will teach you effective self hypnosis. Be sure to choose an author with established results and one who covers all their bases.

If you learn how to lose weight from a hypnosis book, then you can do anything with the tools and techniques you learn from the book. In this way learning from a book can be more beneficial than “being hypnotized for weight loss” because it teaches you the tools of self-hypnosis that can be used in all aspects of your life. It’s the difference in learning to do hypnosis yourself and ‘having it done TO you’ and you know what He said “Give a man a fish, you will feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a lifetime.”

Hypnosis for weight loss reviews.

If you are looking for hypnosis for weight loss reviews you are probably skeptical about whether such programs can work or not. The honest truth is: no, they don’t work for everyone. However they DO WORK for a huge percentage of the population.

Around 70% of people will respond well to hypnosis for weight loss. The other 30 % will not respond at all. This is not because hypnosis doesn’t work. It is because that rapport is a key ingredient in hypnotic change work. Some people just don’t feel a good sense of rapport with a pre-recorded hypnosis for weight loss session. Rapport is a term used to describe the feeling of being connected with someone. It is easier to feel connected to someone when you are face-to-face with them. You have there right in front of you a complex organism that is always giving feedback. This feedback can guide a good therapist into creating rapport with anyone. However, when a session is pre-recorded, a hypnotist just doesn’t have the flexibility he would have in a live session.

So, in my hypnosis weight loss reviews I took this into consideration, but I also had to consider the fact that it does work for a large portion of people. More often than not, hypnosis can lead you to weight loss. With the low price of pre-recorded weight loss programs compared to face to face hypnotherapy, I can only say that it is worth the investment for 70% of the population and they love it.

If you want to be in that 70%, you can be. It is not as difficult as you might think. You simply have to give yourself the best chance by choosing to purchase a hypnosis weight loss program from someone you have a rapport with already or gain while on their web site. Reading about the product offered and the experience of the hypnotist can lead you to form a connection with the author. Pay attention as you read, if you like the wording of the website, if you can relate to the authors language, does the writing inspire you? If your answer is yes, then you probably have a good natural rapport with the author and therefore will be ahead of the game when you start your hypnosis weight loss program.

Hypnosis for weight loss cds... Do they really work?

The short answer is: yes, hypnosis for weight loss cds can be very effective for some people. Typically around 70% of the population will lose weight with hypnosis cds. When you talk about face-to-face hypnosis sessions, this number is a litter higher maybe somewhere in the 90th percentile.

Face-to-face therapy allows the hypnotist to have flexibility. This flexibility could mean a difference in results in some people. That is during a session a skilled hypnotist will be keen to micro-expressions in the client’s body language. He can then use the feedback he is getting to determine whether or not what he is saying is having an effect. This effect could be positive: “he’s getting it” or negative: “ I missed him with that one”, but it is the feedback from the effect that tells the therapist whether to keep going or change approaches.

This kind of flexibility doesn’t exist in hypnosis for weight loss cds. This doesn’t mean they are a waste of time. If you find a good hypnotist with tons of face-to-face experience then the chances are good he has a good “feel” for how most people respond to his weight loss sessions. So, it is possible for such a person to make a pre-recorded hypnosis for weight loss cd that follows some techniques that work for most of the population. If it works for 70%, then chances are good that it will work for you and with the low-cost and accessibility of hypnosis for weight loss cds, it is worth the investment.

Be Aware of Free Weight Loss Hypnosis Downloads

I know the idea of losing weight for free is tempting and I am sure you can find some free downloads on the subject online. However, give some thought to what you are looking for in a free weight loss hypnosis download.

Hypnosis is only effective when there is a rapport between “the client” and “the therapist”. This state of rapport can be described as a state of mind when you feel connected with another person. For example, you have a good rapport with your friends and because you share a bond with them you are more likely to be influenced by them and less likely to be influenced by a total stranger.

Many free weight loss hypnosis downloads I have seen were established by amateur hypnotists that may or may not have had a real face-to-face therapy session. Just keep this in mind while on your search for free hypnosis downloads. Try to find someone who has a reputation for being effective and a history of real hypnosis weight loss work.

In conclusion, while there are tons of free weight loss hypnosis downloads out there, use them only if you know they are from a reputable source. My fear is that many people will get a hold of these week examples of hypnosis and decide that hypnosis for weight loss is not effective. Maybe it is worth a few dollars to give it an honest try from someone with verifiable experience. Someone who is an expert at establishing rapport and introducing change will be a much better tool for your weight loss success.

Loss of weight with hypnosis is Inspiring

If you have had a huge loss of weight with hypnosis, then you know exactly what I am talking about. One day you simply came to a decision that you were going to lose weight and maybe you stumbled onto a hypnosis weight loss site and figured it is worth the investment even if it can only produce half the results it claims.

You downloaded your product and began listening to some prerecorded weight loss hypnosis audio sessions. If you chose your hypnotist carefully or downloaded a session from someone who was highly recommended, then you were well on your way to success. But at first you were skeptical. That is until you had an understanding of what weight loss hypnosis was and what that meant to you in other aspects of your life.

Loss of weight with hypnosis is not about someone whispering commands in your ear and hoping they will come to pass. It is about making changes within you. A good hypnotist will guide you on a journey. A journey deep inside your own mind, where you can discover things about yourself that you were not even aware existed.

You see, if you are overweight it’s because you believe certain things about yourself. These beliefs are patterns of association that run over and over in your brain. That is when a certain stimulus triggers a certain response, your brain runs a preset pattern. For example, when you think you just got to have that 8th slice of pizza, your brain is running a pattern of thinking in response to some stimulus. The stimulus could be the smell of the delicious Italian seasonings, the sight of the glistening pepperoni, or the taste of Italian delight, or the feeling you get sharing times with friends or the stimulus could simply be another thought “WoW, That looks Good.”

In order to be effective, loss of weight with hypnosis has to work on these fundamental beliefs and change them on a subconscious level or at least expose them to the conscious mind so you can be aware of these limiting beliefs and take steps to eliminate them.

Keep this in mind when searching for authors of weight loss hypnosis programs. Choose a skilled hypnotist that has experience in change. Someone who has completed 1000s of face-to-face sessions has a good idea of the beliefs held by the majority of overweight people. Therefore, he should be able to skillfully guide you through a belief changing weight loss session that address changing limiting beliefs and adding life empowering beliefs. It is your mind and a good hypnotist can help you use it more effectively and this will inspire you to make changes in other areas in your life as well.